

En colaboración con la organización independiente Agro Quality Support - AQS - sus inspectores y nuestro departamento de calidad controlan constantemente nuestros productos.

Por lo tanto, respondemos ante el control de calidad de forma interna y externa, asegurando la calidad y trazabilidad del producto.


GLOBALG.A.P. is a standard for safe and sustainable food production. It shows retailers all over the world exactly where products come from. All growers affiliated with Kompany are GLOBALG.A.P. certified.
GRASP stands for GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice. This is an extra module of GLOBALG.A.P., designed to assess the social aspects of cultivation such as the safety and health of employees. All Kompany producers are GRASP certified. 

BRC Food Safety Standard
The BRC Food Safety Standard can be used for any food processing operation in which food is handled, processed or packaged. This certification is designed to produce safe products which meet the expected quality levels of consumers.

IFS Food Standard
The IFS Food Standard - recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative - is a standard for the control of food-processing companies and companies that package food. The focus of this standard lies on the safety and quality of both processes and products.
QS certification - a German certification system - ensures the quality of food throughout the chain; from grower to retailer. Food with a QS certification has an accurately documented and monitored cycle, making sure the path from grower to retailer is traceable.

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